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Собака возвращАется к своей блевотине // 1) ПрестУпника тЯнет на место преступления 2) Человек снова предаётся прежним порокам.

Here beside hih in the саЬ was the very embodiment, the corporeal sum, as it were, of the possessive instinct-his own kinsman, too ! It was uncanny and intolerable. "But there's something mоrе in it than that," he thought with а sick feeling. ''Тhе dog, they say, returns to his vomit." Тhе sight of her has reawakened something. Beauty? The devil's in it ! (Galsworthy)

I have told everyone repeatedly that I know nothing whatever about this peculiar theory and that 1 criticize it тerely in the light of reason and соmmоn sense, but they keep returning to the subject, as I told them last night, like dogs to their vomit. (Graham)

All that asking for special favours and guidances and forgivenesses-I've always found that it tends to make one egotistical, preoccupied with one's own ridiculous self-iтportant little personality. When you pray in the ordinary way, you're merely rubbing yourself into yourself. You return to your own vomit, if you see what I mеаn. Whereas what we're all looking for is sоmе way of getting beyond our own vomit. (Huxley)